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We are able to assist with any aspect of expedition and at any stage. This includes logistics, fixing, legal, leadership, preliminary academic research and more. Every project we encounter faces unique challenges that we help to overcome.


The 3 main types of technical support we offer are film, robotics and digital scanning 3D models for virtual reality



This strand of our work cannot be overemphasised. 


Members of the Cotton Globe team are able to go on location and PHYSICALLY HELP WITH EXPEDITIONS. This onsite assistance is for very specialist tasks which researchers cannot do on their own.



We are passionate about sharing knowledge, so whatever 

skills we have - we also offer to train.


This can be a crash course in anything; from how to get the best out of a piece of equipment, logging or editing footage, right up to the mechanics of data interpretation. We are also available to provide expedition/exploration advice, both prior to a trip, during, and even after.



Advice can be anything from a 5 minute phone chat or a series of Zoom tutorials, to 24hr support 7 days a week.


The specifics of the project determine the level of assistance required.

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